Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule, a distinguished organization within the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, has a rich history of empowering women and making a profound impact on communities.

Established in 1908, the Boule is the governing body of the sorority and plays a crucial role in shaping its mission and guiding its activities.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule Overview

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule is a biennial gathering of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority members from around the world. It is a time for sorority members to come together to celebrate their shared history, network with each other, and discuss issues that are important to the sorority and the community.

The Boule was first held in 1908 in Chicago, Illinois. It was originally called the National Convention and was held every four years. In 1920, the Boule was renamed the Boule and began to be held every two years.

Mission Statement and Goals

The mission of the Boule is to provide a forum for AKA members to come together to discuss issues that are important to the sorority and the community. The Boule also serves as a way to recognize and celebrate the achievements of AKA members.

The goals of the Boule are to:

  • Provide a forum for AKA members to come together to discuss issues that are important to the sorority and the community.
  • Recognize and celebrate the achievements of AKA members.
  • Foster a sense of unity and sisterhood among AKA members.
  • Promote the sorority’s mission of service to all mankind.

Boule Structure and Organization

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule is the highest governing body of the sorority. It is composed of the sorority’s national officers, regional directors, and international representatives.

The Boule is responsible for setting the sorority’s policies and procedures, approving the sorority’s budget, and electing the sorority’s national officers.

Boule Officers

The Boule is led by the sorority’s national president, who is elected by the Boule for a two-year term. The national president is responsible for overseeing the sorority’s operations and representing the sorority to the public.

Other Boule officers include the national vice president, national secretary, national treasurer, and national chaplain. These officers are responsible for assisting the national president in carrying out the sorority’s mission.

Boule Committees

The Boule has a number of committees that are responsible for carrying out the sorority’s programs and initiatives. These committees include the Program Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Membership Committee.

The Program Committee is responsible for developing and implementing the sorority’s programs and initiatives. The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the sorority’s finances. The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting and retaining new members.

Boule Selection and Appointment

Boule officers are elected by the Boule for two-year terms. Boule members are appointed by the national president.

To be eligible for Boule membership, a member must have served as a regional director or international representative for at least two years.

Boule Activities and Programs: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule

The Boule engages in a diverse array of activities and programs that embody its mission of service, scholarship, and leadership.

These initiatives encompass community service, leadership development, and scholarship, each meticulously designed to foster positive change and empower communities.

Community Service, Alpha kappa alpha sorority boule

  • Project Alpha:A comprehensive community service initiative addressing issues such as hunger, homelessness, and health disparities.
  • Ivy Reading Buddies:A program that pairs Boule members with underprivileged students to promote literacy and educational attainment.

Leadership Development

  • Emerging Leaders Institute:A year-long program that provides mentorship, training, and networking opportunities for rising leaders within the sorority.
  • Boule Leadership Institute:An intensive leadership development program for senior members, fostering strategic thinking and organizational effectiveness.


  • Ivy Aspire:A scholarship program that supports undergraduate and graduate students pursuing STEM careers.
  • Endowment Fund:A fund that provides financial assistance to members pursuing higher education and research.

Boule Impact and Legacy

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule has left an indelible mark on the organization and the broader community. Through its initiatives and programs, the Boule has empowered women, fostered leadership, and made a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals.

Leadership Development and Empowerment

The Boule has been instrumental in developing and empowering women leaders. Through its leadership training programs, the Boule provides members with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in various fields and make a positive impact in their communities.

One notable example is the Sorority’s Executive Leadership Institute (ELI). ELI is a comprehensive program that prepares members for leadership roles within the organization and beyond. Participants gain valuable insights into strategic planning, financial management, and organizational governance.

Community Engagement and Service

The Boule has a long history of community engagement and service. Through its various initiatives and programs, the Boule addresses critical issues facing communities, such as education, health, and economic empowerment.

One of the Boule’s signature programs is the Target 5 Initiative. This initiative focuses on addressing five key areas: health disparities, educational inequities, environmental justice, financial literacy, and global impact. Through partnerships with community organizations and government agencies, the Boule implements programs that make a real difference in the lives of those in need.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

The Boule has also played a significant role in advocacy and policy influence. The Boule advocates for policies that promote equality, social justice, and the well-being of all citizens.

For example, the Boule has been a vocal advocate for increased funding for education and healthcare. The Boule’s advocacy efforts have contributed to the passage of legislation that has improved the lives of countless individuals.

Boule Challenges and Opportunities

The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule has faced challenges and obstacles in its pursuit of goals. However, the organization has implemented strategies and initiatives to overcome these challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

Challenges Faced by the Boule

  • Limited resources: The Boule has faced challenges in securing adequate financial and human resources to support its programs and initiatives.
  • Changing demographics: The Boule has needed to adapt to changing demographics and the needs of its members and the communities it serves.
  • Competition from other organizations: The Boule has faced competition from other organizations for funding, members, and influence.

Strategies to Overcome Challenges

To overcome these challenges, the Boule has implemented several strategies:

  • Fundraising initiatives: The Boule has organized fundraising events and campaigns to raise funds for its programs and operations.
  • Strategic partnerships: The Boule has formed partnerships with other organizations to share resources and collaborate on initiatives.
  • Membership growth: The Boule has focused on recruiting and retaining members to increase its reach and impact.

Opportunities for Growth

The Boule has identified several opportunities for growth and expansion:

  • Expanding programs: The Boule is exploring opportunities to expand its programs and services to meet the evolving needs of its members and communities.
  • International outreach: The Boule is seeking to expand its international presence and impact.
  • Advocacy and policy: The Boule is committed to advocating for policies that support its mission and values.

General Inquiries

What is the purpose of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Boule?

The Boule serves as the governing body of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, providing leadership, guidance, and support to its members.

How does the Boule contribute to the community?

The Boule organizes various initiatives and programs focused on community service, leadership development, and scholarship, empowering individuals and uplifting communities.

What are the key activities of the Boule?

The Boule engages in a wide range of activities, including conferences, workshops, and community outreach programs, to fulfill its mission and goals.